Monday, January 19, 2009

Samantha's 4 month appointment

So Samantha had her 4 month appoint when she was 3.5 months old. Her doctor is moving offices and we had to go early or wait until March - to keep on her vaccination schedule we had to go early (plus it's fun to find out how she's doing).

So we went on January 16 - she weighed 14 pounds exactly (that's roughly 75th percentile) and 25.5 inches in length (90th percentile). We have no idea where she gets the length part :)

She is doing great developmentally - she's rolling over now. She's really good at rolling from her back to her tummy, but the other way (tummy to back) gets tricky for her because her arm gets caught. She is also "talking" more. It's pretty fun! She's also grabbing and holding onto everything and then sticking everything in her mouth!

Since the last post, I have also started back to work. Samantha stays with our friend Jess during the day and she is doing great other there. She's doing much better than her Mom! I really miss spending the day with her. Not that I don't enjoy going back to work, but to be honest I would rather spend the day with Sam. I never realized how hard it would be to leave her, but I also get really mad at people who say I can't go back to work - especially old guy engineers who just tell you that you won't want to back to work. That just grinds me!


Carina Olsen said...

Great job Sam! I love when they start getting mobile.

Jen said...

Hang in there! I still miss Carina during the day, but it does get easier. I just enjoy every second that I do have with her.

Anonymous said...

Hang in there Amy!! The old farts no nothing.. :) It does get easier.. some days. By third one, it's really easy. :) jk Can't wait to see Sam!!

Anonymous said...

OK - that last comment was from your sister in law - Wendy