Saturday, April 5, 2008

Big News

Set your calendars for October 4, 2008 - that's when we expect our very own little launch! That's right, Lenny and I are expecting! I am 14 weeks along today and I wanted to share the news with everyone. We are very excited and couldn't wait to tell you - that's why we didn't post for so long - we didn't want to spill the beans too soon.

So far, the pregnancy has been going well - we've had two ultrasounds and the baby looks really healthy. I have been extremely nauseous, but have been working through it the best I can. It is starting to subside and now I am starting to feel the pants get a little tight. I know all of you Moms out there understand - but it's crazy the way my body is changing - it's amazing though. Especially when we went to the second ultrasound. The first was cool and we could vaguely make out a small life like shape (it was at 8 weeks) and saw the heartbeat as a small flicker on the screen. But the second one, we could clearly make out the body, head, feet with toes and hands with fingers! The kid is pretty active too - I swear it was doing flips in there! I haven't felt anything yet, but I have been assured that it's only a matter of weeks from now. That ultrasound really made everything real. We do not know the gender yet, but will find out at the end of April when we have our full-up anatomy ultrasound.

It was a hoot telling our families - I think we had them completely convinced that children were not in our future. They are really excited though - I am pretty sure all of them either cried or screamed into the phone when we told them. I was also pretty cool to see my parents for the launch and talk to them face-to-face about it.

Anyhoo, check out the pictures of our little munchin and the video of the baby moving around!

This picture is from our first ultrasound - at week 8 - you can a peanut shaped kid between the white marks near the top right of the image - 14.2 millimeters long!

This picture is from the second ultrasound - week 12 - you can see the baby's face - kinda looks like spiderman!

1 comment:

Amy said...

Congratulations Amy and Lenny! It had been awhile since I'd checked your blog, and this was a fun surprise. :) I'm glad you're starting to feel better and now you can really enjoy pregnancy. I hope things continue to go well over the next several months (it's amazing how fast it goes) and then you'll get to meet this amazing person. Parenthood is wonderful.